Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Save The Date - Saturday, July 13, 2013 - Lowbrow Getdown - Garrettsville, OH

Everyone is welcome. Ride your bike out or drive your hot rod. Show people your bike goes further than the local Starbucks parking lot. Douchebags will not be tolerated, if you think this might be you, don't come.

WHAT It's simple. Come on out, eat some food, get ripped, listen to live rock 'n roll and hang out in the woods all night with a bunch of dudes (any maybe some ladies too, but mostly dudes. just being honest). Spend the night, wake up Sunday morning and swim away your hangover in the beautiful spring fed quarry and do some cliff diving.

Saturday, July 13th - Sunday, July 14th, 2013.. NOTE: Some people are likely coming in from out of town on Friday and camping Friday night as well, so if you want to come on out there should be some like-minded people to hang out with.

WHERE Nelson's Ledges Quarry Park's actual street address is: 12001 Nelson Ledge Road, Garrettsville, OH 44231. We will be there ready to rock by late morning, there are groups riding in from all directions so start a discussion on the Lowbrow Facebook page here or check the forums at ChopCult.com if you want to start a group ride or take part in one.

HOW Get that junker running and bring what you need, we will have some food and beer, but bring a tent and be self sufficient, we want to have fun too.

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